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[Release Notes] What is new in the latest version of PerfectIt? [PerfectIt Access] Update PerfectIt and Re-enable Automatic Office Update How do I update or re-install PerfectIt for Word (Windows)? How do I install PerfectIt Cloud? How do I trial PerfectIt for PowerPoint? How do I assign licenses to users, or transfer licenses between users? How do I link my PerfectIt license with my CMOS Online subscription? Can I change my subscription plan?
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PerfectIt Windows Edition
PerfectIt Cloud
PerfectIt Cloud
When will you produce a version for Office for Mac 2007/2011?
Why doesn’t PerfectIt Cloud check footnotes?
Can I customize PerfectIt Cloud to check my house style?
Does PerfectIt Cloud work in Word Online (in a browser)?
Can I use keyboard mode in PerfectIt Cloud?
What data is sent to the cloud, where is it stored, and for how long?
Can anyone see documents that are sent to PerfectIt Cloud?
Why is the launch button for PerfectIt Cloud greyed out?
How can I help make PerfectIt Cloud improvements happen faster?
Does PerfectIt Cloud work with 'Track Changes'?
Can I make PerfectIt run faster?
Can I run PerfectIt to the right or bottom of the screen?
Why is checking carried out on a server?
Does PerfectIt Cloud work on iPad?
Does PerfectIt Cloud work on desktop versions of Word?
I don't have Microsoft 365. Can I use PerfectIt Cloud?
Why is PerfectIt Cloud disabled?
Will data sent to the cloud be used in AI training?
Does PerfectIt Cloud use AI? Do I have to declare it?
What are Microsoft's Connected Experiences? Do they train AI?