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Link Accounts

To access The Chicago Manual of Style for PerfectIt, you must have a subscription to CMOS Online and you must link your PerfectIt subscription to CMOS Online.

If you cannot access The Chicago Manual of Style for PerfectIt, please:

  1. Log in to your account here to verify that your PerfectIt and CMOS Online accounts are successfully linked.

  2. If your account is not yet linked, instructions for linking your accounts are here.

  3. If you are using the Windows edition of PerfectIt, there is one additional step. Please ensure you enter the new license key (the one provided when the accounts were linked) into PerfectIt. Instructions for that are here.

If you have linked your accounts and entered the license key, please open PerfectIt, then click the About button on the ribbon and take a screenshot of this window. Send this screenshot and a description of the issue to