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Exception Keywords

PerfectIt Instructions also have an option to help PerfectIt avoid certain locations and therefore reduce the number of false positives displayed in the locations list. It works by adding an instruction of this form:

Except for "[exception 1]", "[exception 2]", ...

For example, this instruction could be added to the preference for ‘Government’:

Except for "government departments", "government bodies"

With that instruction, PerfectIt will automatically ignore the phrases ‘government departments’ and ‘government bodies’, but will still find every other instance of ‘government’ in lowercase.

You can also use the keywords ‘Except before’ and ‘Except after’ to further improve the accuracy of PerfectIt’s results. For example, for Spelling Variations we might ask PerfectIt to find ‘louvre’ and suggest ‘louver’, and we could add this Instruction:

Generally, the term listed first in Merriam-Webster is the preferred version. Except before "museum" Except after "du", "la", "the"

With those exceptions PerfectIt will find ‘louvre’ in the sentence below and suggest ‘louver’:

The broken louvre was repaired.

But it will ignore ‘the Louvre’ in this sentence:

There is an exhibition at the Louvre that may be of interest.

The Issue Description displays only the note we included for this term, and not the ‘Except’ instructions.


You can add exceptions along with notes for the user, or by themselves. ‘Except’ instructions will not be displayed in the Issue Description when the user runs PerfectIt.

See also

Video Tutorials: Adding Exceptions