Superscript and Subscript

As with italics and prefixes, PerfectIt is pre-loaded with a list of common chemical symbols and SI units. The Superscript/Subscript tab is shown in the screenshot below:

The chemical elements in the list are, by default, ones that often have subscripts. The SI units included are, by default, ones that have superscripts. PerfectIt will check for these standard preferences. However, you can use this tab to add items to the list or to change what is looked for in each case.


Guidance for the user and exceptions can be added to the Instructions column. Information on working with the various features of Instructions can be found in Working with Instructions.


You can search the items in this tab using the Search box. Details can be found in Finding Terms in a Style Sheet.

See also

The Checks: Formatting


Video Tutorials: Italics, Prefixes, and Super/Subscripts