
By default, PerfectIt checks a list of around 60 non-English terms for consistent use of italics. Since some styles prefer italics for the first appearance only, PerfectIt will only suggest there is an inconstency when the word appears both with and without italics, and either the first location is not italicized or more than one location is italicized.

The options available in the Italics tab are:

  • Consistency (this is the default setting)

  • No italics

  • Always in italics

  • Italics for first use only

  • Do not check

You can also add additional words to the list to check.

To change the term ‘a priori’ from checking consistency, find the term in the list, then click the dropdown next to The phrase should be. Choose, for example, Always in Italics, then click Apply. PerfectIt will now find all locations where that word is not italicized and suggest a fix.

To add a new term to the list to check, type the term in the box next to PerfectIt should look for the phrase. Then set the preference in the dropdown and click Add.


You have the option to provide extra guidance for the user by typing it in the Instructions column. Details of the various features of Instructions can be found in Working with Instructions.


You can search the items in this tab using the Search box. Details can be found in Finding Terms in a Style Sheet.

See also

The Checks: Formatting


Video Tutorials: Italics, Prefixes, and Super/Subscripts